Referral Form

***Please e-mail referral paperwork (i.e. CSSP, Care Plan, HFPCP/PSN) to , or fax to +1651-560-3894***

Referrals: Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)

Referrals to Oasis Center are accepted from waiver Case Managers, Social Workers, and/or Care Coordinators. If an individual doesn’t have a waiver, a Professional Statement of Need (PSN) can be arranged, completed either by the referrer or Oasis Center. A Housing Focused Person Centered Plan (HFPCP) is also necessary, to be completed by targeted case managers or care coordinators; otherwise, Oasis Center can assist in completing it or provide Transitioning/Sustaining Services. If needed, Oasis Center can aid referrers in finding an alternate HSS agency. Upon referral, Oasis Center handles enrollment with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and schedules an intake session with the Housing Stabilization team to address the individual’s needs. Notably, HSS primarily serves adults over 18 with disabilities and active Medical Assistance Coverage. Changing providers requires DHS approval, taking 3-4 weeks, while new enrollments can begin services promptly, barring special circumstances.

people ready to refer their clients

Case Managers, Social Workers And Care Coordinators:

How to fill out Referral

People who do not have waiver or targeted case management or a MSHO/MSC+ care coordinator, but need Housing Stabilization Services, can complete the person-centered planning needed through an enrolled housing consultant. Enrolled housing consultants help a person develop a Housing Focused Person-Centered Plan (DHS-7307) and support the person to select their housing transition or sustaining provider. We can help you find a housing consultant to satisfy that portion and enroll your client in Transitioning/Sustaining services.